HKICP was invited by Health Bureau to disseminate information on the upcoming training: "Child Protection Online Training" scheduled on 19 December. Members can follow the application procedure provided by Health Bureau to register for the webinar. To access the application procedure, please login to the Member’s download area.

Note: HKICP has not yet received any application for this training to be a HKICP’s pre-approved CPD activity as of today.
HKICP members may enter information regarding CPD activities (whether pre-approved or not) in their online CPD log. The Education and Professional Standards Committee will vet each member's CPD log and confirm the final CPD points earned for that CPD year.

HKICP was invited by the Department of Health to disseminate information on the upcoming training: "Child Protection Online Training". Members can follow the application procedure provided by the Department of Health to register for the webinar. To access the application procedure, please login to the Member’s download area.

HKICP was informed by Pearson Clinical Assessment Asia of the launch of WAIS-5 training (US version) and discount offers. For more information, please login to the Member’s download area.

Note: HKICP is not an organiser of this event. For inquiries, please contact Pearson Clinical Assessment Asia.

HKICP was invited by the Institute of Advanced Allied Health Studies, Hospital Authority to disseminate information on the upcoming training: " Central Commissioned Training Programme for Clinical Psychologists 2024/25: Internal Family Systems Therapy" scheduled on 20 - 23, 26, 27 November 2024. To access the application procedure, please login to the Member’s download area.

Note: This training is a HKICP's pre-approved CPD activity. HKICP members may enter information for pre-approved CPD activities in their online CPD log for counting of CPD points earned for that CPD year as fulfillment of CPD requirement.

HKICP was informed by the Child Assessment Service, Department of Health that the application deadline for the HKDESS Training Workshop 2024 has been extended to 16 October 2024. Members can follow the application procedure provided by the Department of Health to register the training workshop. To access the application procedure, please login to the Member’s download area.

Note: This is not a HKICP's pre-approved CPD activity. HKICP members may enter information regarding CPD activities (whether pre-approved or not) in their online CPD log. The Education and Professional Standards Committee will vet each member's CPD log and confirm the final CPD points earned for that CPD year.

HKICP received updates from the Department of Health on the latest development of the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill. To access the files, please log in to the Member’s download area.

HKICP was invited by the Child Assessment Service, Department of Health to disseminate information on the upcoming training: "Training Workshop on the Hong Kong Dyslexia Early Screening Scale (HKDESS) " scheduled on 15 November 2024. Members can follow the application procedure provided by the Department of Health to register the training workshop. To access the application procedure, please login to the Member’s download area.

Note: This is not a HKICP's pre-approved CPD activity. HKICP members may enter information regarding CPD activities (whether pre-approved or not) in their online CPD log. The Education and Professional Standards Committee will vet each member's CPD log and confirm the final CPD points earned for that CPD year.

HKICP was invited by Health Bureau to disseminate information on the upcoming training: "Child Protection Online Training" scheduled on 11 September 2024. Members can follow the application procedure provided by Health Bureau to register for the webinar. To access the application procedure, please login to the Member’s download area.

HKICP was invited by the Child Assessment Service, Department of Health to disseminate information on the upcoming training: "The Hong Kong Comprehensive Assessment Scale for Preschool Children (HKCAS-P) Training Workshop 2024" scheduled on 24 & 25 October 2024, respectively. Members can follow the application procedure provided by the Department of Health to register the training workshop. To access the application procedure, please login to the Member’s download area.

HKICP was invited by the Hospital Authority to disseminate information about an upcoming training for non-HA Clinical Psychologists: "Central Commissioned Training Program for Clinical Psychologists 2024/25: Internal Family Systems Therapy" scheduled on 20 Nov 2024 – 23 Nov 2024, and 26 Nov 2024 – 27 Nov 2024. For detailed information and to express interest to join the program, please login to the Member’s download area.

Note: HKICP is not an organiser of this event. HKICP has not yet received a formal application for pre-approval of CPD points for this training as at 1st August 2024.

HKICP was invited by Health Bureau to disseminate information on the upcoming training: "Child Protection Online Training (Webinar)" scheduled on 27 June 2024. Members can follow the application procedure provided by Health Bureau to register for the webinar. To access the application procedure, please login to the Member’s download area.

HKICP was invited by Health Bureau to disseminate information on the upcoming training: "Child Protection Online Training (Online Self-learning Training – Module 1)" scheduled on 29 February 2024. Members can follow the application procedure provided by Health Bureau to register for the training workshop. To access the application procedure, please login to the Member’s download area.

HKICP received updates from the Department of Health on the latest development of the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill. To access the files, please log in to the Member’s download area.

HKICP was informed by the Health Bureau of the updates to the Mandatory Reporting Regime for Child Abuse and received the Formulation of Mandated Reporter Guide. To access the files, please log in to the Member’s download area.

Hong Kong Institute of Clinical Psychologists (HKICP) welcomes the announcement of the Department of Health regarding the revision of title for registrants of accredited healthcare professional bodies with immediate effect on 18th September 2023 (

As HKICP is the only healthcare professional body accredited by the Department of Health responsible for administering the register of clinical psychologists, members of HKICP are permitted to use the revised title as follows on their name cards: (

English: Clinical Psychologist in Accredited Register
Chinese: 認可名冊臨床心理學家

Members are encouraged to use the revised title on your name card whenever possible.

In view of the recent malicious ransomware attacks on Cyberport and Consumer Council's computer systems, HKICP's webmaster has immediately reviewed our IT security measures and action plans to identify areas for enhancement. Please log in to the Member’s download area for advices from the webmaster.

HKICP was invited by the Child Assessment Service, Department of Health to disseminate information on the upcoming training: "Training Workshop on the Hong Kong Dyslexia Early Screening Scale (HKDESS) " scheduled on 3 November 2023. Members can follow the application procedure provided by the Department of Health to register the training workshop. To access the application procedure, please login to the Member’s download area.

HKICP was invited by the Child Assessment Service, Department of Health to disseminate information on the upcoming training: "The Hong Kong Comprehensive Assessment Scale for Preschool Children (HKCAS-P) Training Workshop 2023" scheduled on 19 & 20 October 2023, respectively. Members can follow the application procedure provided by the Department of Health to register the training workshop. To access the application procedure, please login to the Member’s download area.

The government released the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill on 2 June 2023. HKICP encourages members to study the bill carefully for ensuring safe practice. To access the files, please log in to the Member’s download area.

HKICP was informed by the Department of Health on Extending the HCVS to include primary healthcare services provided by clinical psychologists. For more information, please log in to the Member’s download area.

The 2022 Policy Address announced that the Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme (HCVS) would be extended to include primary healthcare services provided by clinical psychologists under the Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions of the Government. For more information, please log in to the Member’s download area.

Please click this hyperlink to access the pamphlet issued by the Department of Health, featuring Clinical Psychologists and HKICP as the only accredited healthcare professional body responsible for administering the register of clinical psychologists.

Related resource issued by the Department of Health is accessible here:

Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) has recently been working with Education Bureau (EDB) on relevant guidelines for applications for extra time allowance (ETA) for candidates with in HKDSE.

In view of this, HKEAA has shared an information pack (in PowerPoint slides format) to HKICP members to provide updates and points to note for professionals who need to provide support and assessment services to students in relation to application for Special Examination Arrangements (SEA) in HKDSE. To access the files, please login to the Member’s Download area.

Members of HKICP are invited to complete an online questionnaire on “Extended Phase of the Pilot Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions” study by the JC School of Public Health and Primary Care. Please login to the Member’s Area for further information and refer to the procedure provided by the JC School of Public Health and Primary Care to complete the survey.

The webinar Risk Management Training for Healthcare Services for HKICP members is now made available on-demand at the Member’s Area. Members may log in with the member's account and watch the training video on or before 1st June 2022.

Members will be required to complete an online assessment with multiple choice questions after viewing this on-demand training. A total of 1.5 CPD points will be granted if you attain ≥80% accuracy in the assessment. For details, please refer to the training site.

The online CPD Record platform for our members is launched to strengthen our online services and to streamline membership renewal processes.

HKICP registrants shall keep an updated CPD record together with relevant documents (e.g. certificate of attendance / completion) on the platform from time to time, and must complete and submit the CPD log by the end of each year, as a proof of fulfillment of CPD requirement for renewing membership with HKICP.

To access your CPD record and for further information, please go to the HKICP website, login to your account and click on Online Services.

As requested by the research team of The Hong Kong English Reading Ability Test for Primary-One Pupils (HKE), a HKE Webinar PowerPoint is made available to members of HKICP in the Member’s Area.

Note: Members of HKICP are recognised to be eligible users of The Hong Kong English Reading Ability Test for Primary-One Pupils (HKE). Members can follow the application procedure provided by the HKE Research Team to register and obtain the test.

In view of a growing demand for telehealth psychological services, HKICP has developed a document on “Clinical Practice Recommendations for Telehealth Psychological Services” to address the related ethical and practice issues. To read the full document, please click HERE.

HKICP was informed by the research team of The Hong Kong English Reading Ability Test for Primary-One Pupils (HKE) that HKE is a screening tool with a local norm specifically for primary-one pupils with Chinese as their first language across Hong Kong.

Members of HKICP are recognised to be eligible users of HKE. Members can follow the application procedure provided by the HKE Research Team to register and obtain the test. To access the application procedure, please login to the Member’s Area.

HKICP has issued a document on “Locally Normed Wechsler’s Intelligence Scales for Clients Across Age Ranges” to highlight the principles of choosing appropriate intelligence scale for people in Hong Kong for your reference. To download the document, please login to the Member’s Area.

HKICP has issued a document on “Managing risks of violence within clinical practice” to bring to your awareness of some well-established guidelines and protocols on the major areas of clinical risk management. To download the document, please login to the Member’s Area.

We are pleased to let you know that the Members Login page has been launched on the HKICP website to strengthen our online services for our members. To complete your first login,

  1. Check your email from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get the account login details
  2. Sign in at the Member’s Area
  3. Change the default password upon your first login

We encourage you to visit the Member’s Area regularly to check out the latest resources, check your latest registration status and keep your contact information updated. For enquiry, please contact HKICP's office via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The World Health Organization has issued a document Mental Health and Psychosocial Considerations During COVID-19 Outbreak on 18th March 2020, covering points to note and strategies for the general population, healthcare workers, team leaders and managers in health facility, care providers for children, older adults and people with underlying health conditions, and people in isolation. We encourage you to read this and to ensure a safe practice of clinical psychology under the pandemic.