10th October 2023
Title for Registrants of Accredited Healthcare Professional Bodies

Hong Kong Institute of Clinical Psychologists (HKICP) welcomes the announcement of the Department of Health regarding the revision of title for registrants of accredited healthcare professional bodies with immediate effect on 18th September 2023 (https://www.ars.gov.hk/en/news_20230918.html).

As HKICP is the only healthcare professional body accredited by the Department of Health responsible for administering the register of clinical psychologists, members of HKICP are permitted to use the title “Clinical Psychologist in Accredited Register” on their name cards (https://www.ars.gov.hk/en/about_ars/accr_mark.html).

3rd March 2023
Open consultation on review of documents and guidelines of HKICP

The Hong Kong Institute of Clinical Psychologists Limited (HKICP) is launching an open consultation on review of documents and guidelines of HKICP. The first batch of documents including policy and guidelines were published in 2019 when HKICP was initially set up to achieve its mission and vision, which is to ensure that clinical psychologists are competent and fit to practice for the psychological well-being of the public. Based on the experience of implementing these guidelines since 2019, the principles of the present review include the following:

  1. Align with the up-to-date standards of Accredited Registration Scheme.
  2. Incorporate content to ensure the rationality and practicability of applying the guidelines in daily business of HKICP.
  3. Refine content for easy understanding.
  4. Enhance risk management, in particular, information security.
  5. Adopt gender-neutral pronouns.

HKICP invites feedback from all members, stakeholders, and the community. You are welcome to send written submission by email using “Open consultation 2023“ as your email subject to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 24 March 2023.

The adjustments made in the documents under consultation were summarized in Document History and highlighted in the document when change of content was involved. Listed below are links to the documents which would be removed after the end of the open consultation.

  • Governance Structure
  • Guideline on Information Mx & Information Security
  • Management of the Register of HKICP
  • Membership Registration & Handling Policy of HKICP
  • Code of Ethics of HKICP
  • Code of Conduct for Personnel of HKICP
  • Policy on Declaration & Handling of Conflict of Interest
  • Policy on Handling of Complaints
  • Procedures for Handling of Complaints against Registrants of HKICP
  • Patients Charter
  • Education Standards of CP in HK
  • Procedures for Accreditation of CP Training Programme
  • Procedures for Accreditation of clinical placement for CP training
  • Guideline on the remedial training as the transitional arrangement for the registration of HKICP
  • Guideline on Remedial Training Supervised Clinical Practice
  • Guideline for Accredited Clinical Supervisor & Training Provider for ACS
  • Guideline on Continuing Professional Development in CP
  • Scope of Practice for CP in HK

HKICP reserves all copyrights of the documents under consultation. Any reproduction, excerption, backup, modification, transmission, or translation of the documents under consultation or any portion of the documents under consultation, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of HKICP is prohibited.

Disclaimer: The documents under consultation presented on this website are distributed by HKICP as an information source only. While every effort has been made to act in accordance with the review principles, to minimize typos and misformatting to the fullest extent, no guarantee is given nor responsibility taken for errors or omissions in the documents under consultation.

Public submissions

Submissions to this consultation may be published on the HKICP website. There may be circumstances under which submissions may not be published. Published submissions will include the names of individuals and/or organizations that made the submission unless confidentiality is requested.

16th May 2022
Pamphlet on Accredited Healthcare Professional Body Series issued by the Department of Health

HKICP welcome the promotional pamphlet on Accredited Healthcare Professional Body Series issued by the Department of Health. Please click this hyperlink to access the pamphlet featuring Clinical Psychologists and HKICP as the only accredited healthcare professional body responsible for administering the register of clinical psychologists.

Related resource issued by the Department of Health is accessible here: https://www.ars.gov.hk/en/resource.html

5th October 2021
Hong Kong Institute of Clinical Psychologists Welcome Judgement on Judicial Review

HKICP welcome the judgement made by the Court of First Instance, which dismissed the judicial review of the registration requirements promulgated by HKICP.

It was confirmed in the court judgement that all the grounds put up by the applicants, namely apparent bias, unreasonableness, and factual errors in setting HKICP’s education and registration standards were rejected by the court.

As the only accredited professional body responsible for administering the register of clinical psychologists in Hong Kong under the Pilot Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions, HKICP will continue to upkeep the principles of upholding standard, protecting the public and being inclusive for the maintenance of public confidence in the profession.

The full judgement is accessible here (available in English only):

Please click here for the Chinese translation of the full judgement

1st May 2021
Announcement: Transitional Arrangement for Registration with HKICP will be extended for 6 months until 31st October 2021

The Department of Health announced on 31st October 2019 that HKICP was granted full accreditation status under the Pilot Accredited Registers Scheme (AR Scheme) for Healthcare Professions. To further enhance inclusiveness of the AR Scheme, HKICP announced an extension of the transitional arrangement for registration with HKICP for an additional 6 months.

The transitional arrangement for registration with HKICP was originally effective for 18 months, from the date of announcement of AR scheme until 30th April 2021. With this extension in place, the transitional arrangement will remain effective until 31st October 2021.

During the new effective period of transitional arrangement (31st October 2019 to 31st October 2021), applicants who have a post-graduate clinical psychology qualification that does not meet the educational standard for direct registration, but fulfil the minimum education level generally accepted for pursuing registration for the practice of clinical psychology in the country where the degree is conferred (e.g. doctoral degree from USA, UK, Canada; master degree from Australia) may apply for registration with HKICP via the transitional arrangement of Alternative Qualifying Requirements (refer to Section 6 of the Membership Registration and Handling Policy of HKICP). If remedial training is required, the completion period of remedial training prescribed will be extended from three years to four years from the date of announcement of AR scheme (i.e., the date of completion will be extended from 31st October 2022 to 31st October 2023).

Furthermore, with effect from 1st November 2021, applicants with overseas qualifications or trained in overseas countries (under Section of the Membership Registration and Handling Policy of the HKICP) in clinical psychology must hold a license/ registration of the country of training in order to be eligible for HKICP registration.

For application details, please refer to the latest Membership Registration and Handling Policy of the HKICP on HKICP website. For enquiries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

11th November 2020
Announcement: Transitional Arrangements for Registration with HKICP will be closed on 30th April 2021

The Department of Health announced on 31st October 2019 that HKICP was granted full accreditation status under the Pilot Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions. Transitional arrangement for registration with HKICP which have taken effect from the date of announcement for 18 months will be closed on 30th April 2021.

During the effective period of transitional arrangement (31st October 2019 to 30th April 2021), applicants who have a post-graduate clinical psychology qualification that do not meet the educational standard for direct registration, but fulfill the minimum education level generally accepted for pursuing registration for the practice of clinical psychology in the country where the degree is conferred (e.g. doctoral degree from USA, UK, Canada; master degree from Australia) may apply for registration with HKICP via the transitional arrangement of Alternative Qualifying Requirements (refer to Section 6 of Membership Registration and Handling Policy of HKICP).

Furthermore, with effect from 1st May 2021, applicants with overseas qualifications or trained in overseas countries (under Section of the Membership Registration and Handling Policy of the HKICP) in clinical psychology must hold a license/ registration of the country of training in order to be eligible for HKICP registration.

The Department of Health announced on 31st October 2019 that HKICP was granted full accreditation status under the Pilot Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions.

HKICP Directors Dr. Kitty Wu, J.P. and Dr. Rachel Poon represented HKICP at a reception hosted by the Director of Health, the HKSAR Government on 20th January 2020 and were presented with an official certificate.

【Press release】
Hong Kong Institute of Clinical Psychologists was granted accreditation under “Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions” (31st October 2019)


【Press release】
Three professions accredited under Pilot Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions
(Issued by Hong Kong Government Press Release. Thursday, October 31, 2019)

三個醫療專業在認可醫療專業註冊先導計劃下獲認證(由香港政府新聞公報發出. 2019年10月31日(星期四))

30th August 2019

Hong Kong Institute of Clinical Psychologists (HKICP) is pleased to announce that application for membership is open from today (30th August 2019). Please refer to information under the REGISTRATION section for details.

HKICP is committed to providing quality services to protect public interest and promote public confidence in clinical psychology profession in Hong Kong.